© Foto: TVB Bad Hall/Weiermair: Gradiergrotte

Macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is a disease of the retina which is the most common cause for the loss of vision.

As a result of increasing life expectancy age-related macular degeneration (calcification of the centre of the retina, circulatory disorder has become one of the main challenges in ophthalmology.

A stay in Bad Hall with our circulation-stimulating, antioxidant and stress-relieving spa treatments can make an important contribution to retaining sight for as long as possible even when macular degeneration has started.

Contact and service

Rehab center Physikarium Bad Hall
Franz-Josef-Straße 7
4540 Bad Hall

Phone +43 7258 799 4400
E-Mail physikarium.badhall@eurothermen.at
Web www.eurothermen.at/bad-hall/gesundheitszentrum-physikarium/