© Foto: TVB Bad Hall/Weiermair: Gradiergrotte


Pulmonary diseases are a consequence of increasing environmental pollution caused by harmful substances, air pollution and smoking (even passive smoking) and also include the rise in the number of allergies. Foremost are chronic bronchitis (COPD, emphysema) and asthma.
As the symptoms of chronic bronchitis and asthma are very similar, the therapy for both conditions is also comparable.

Bad Hall’s health cure treatment which has been scientifically proven can either be taken orally (a drinking treatment) or in the form of iodine saline inhalations to support the treatment of bronchitis and asthma. The inhalation of iodine saline has mucolytic effects and is antiseptic. The immunotherapeutic effects of the saline solution are well known. Additional physiotherapy including respiratory therapy (breathing and coughing techniques), physical physiotherapy (lung sport) and dietary advice are offered. 

Contact and service

Rehab center Physikarium Bad Hall
Franz-Josef-Straße 7
4540 Bad Hall

Phone +43 7258 799 4400
E-Mail physikarium.badhall@eurothermen.at
Web www.eurothermen.at/bad-hall/gesundheitszentrum-physikarium/