Bad Hall
Health and culture


Silver Lime tree

Bad Hall, Oberösterreich, Österreich
  • All weather

Lat. name: Tilia tomentosa

Planted around 1970
Family: Mallow family
Origin: It comes from south-eastern Europe, the natural spread is from the Ukraine to Asia Minor.
Deciduous stately tree up to about 30 meters high.
Leaves are oblique-heart-shaped with sharply serrated leaf edges, the underside is silver white-felted, which is why it is called silver lime, in contrast to the summer and winter lime with green leaves.
The Latin name "Tilia" is derived from the word "wing", which refers to the appearance of the flower's cover leaf. The word lime is also related to the Latin "lentus", which means soft, flexible and tough.
Thousands of field and place names remind us of the linden trees. Often you can find monuments like crosses, boundary stones or chapels near mighty lime trees.
Lime trees in folk songs:
In the song "Am Brunnen vor dem Tore" (text by Wilhelm Müller and melody by Franz Schubert) it says:
At the well before the gate, there is a lime tree:
In its shade I dream many a sweet dream;
I cut into its bark many a dear word;
"I always went away to him in joy and sorrow. 
In the first verse of the well-known German folk song "Kein schöner Land" ("No beautiful country") from this time, the lime tree is mentioned as a meeting place:
"Kein schöner Land in dieser Zeit.
than here that we're far and wide.
Where we find ourselves
lime trees
at nighttime.

  • opened daily
  • open to the public
  • Can only be viewed from outside

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • All weather
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Please get in touch for more information.


Silver Lime tree
Im Kurpark
4540 Bad Hall

Phone +43 7258 7200

Contact person

Tourismusverband Bad Hall
Im Kurpark
4540 Bad Hall

Phone +43 7258 7200

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