© Foto: TVB Bad Hall/Weiermair: Gradiergrotte


This condition is normally totally painless and the reduction of vision is gradual and for this reason it is often recognised when it is too late.


Indications may be headache, eye pain, pressure in the eye or a temporary deterioration of vision.

The diagnosis can only be made by an ophthalmologist by measuring the pressure of the eye, by examining the fundus of the eye and by examining the visual field. The green star can initially be treated very well by eye drops, if necessary by eye-pressure-lowering surgery.

Contact and service

Rehab center Physikarium Bad Hall
Franz-Josef-Straße 7
4540 Bad Hall

Phone +43 7258 799 4400
E-Mail physikarium.badhall@eurothermen.at
Web www.eurothermen.at/bad-hall/gesundheitszentrum-physikarium/