Dry eye
This condition can have many different causes e.g. dry ambient air from air-conditioning systems or aeroplanes, working at computer screens, watching too much television, taking different medications, pollution etc.
People complain more and more about aching, burning, itching or tired eyes, a dry feeling, but also about sensitivity to light reddening of the cornea and all of these are symptoms of so called "dry eye".
"Dry eye" is not a harmless, uncomfortable and annoying disorder but an actual illness which can lead to a considerable reduction in the quality of life, as an intact tear film ensures that sight is clear, "unobstructed" and painless, which is essential for the nutrition and protection of the cornea.
Bad Hall treats and has been successful in treating "dry eye", in particular eye iontophoresis in combination with eye sprays.
Contact and service
Rehab center Physikarium Bad HallFranz-Josef-Straße 7
4540 Bad Hall
Telefon +43 7258 799 4400
E-Mail physikarium.badhall@eurothermen.at
Web www.eurothermen.at/bad-hall/gesundheitszentrum-physikarium/